Evolution of triangulations: Hausdorff and spectral dimensions, varying number of topological features

Speaker: Sergey Dorogovtsev (University of Aveiro, Portugal )


I discuss complex networks formed by triangulations and higher-dimensional simplicial complexes representing closed evolving manifolds [1]. In particular, for triangulations, the set of possible transformations of these networks is restricted by the condition that at each step, all the faces must be triangles, which is the key constraint in this theory. Stochastic application of these operations leads to random networks with different architectures. The geometries of growing and equilibrium complex networks generated by these transformations and their local structural properties are described. This characterization includes the Hausdorff and spectral dimensions of the resulting networks, their degree distributions, and various structural correlations. The results reveal a rich zoo of architectures and geometries of these networks, some of which appear to be small worlds while others are finite-dimensional with a wide spectrum of Hausdorff and spectral dimensions. Our models include simplicial complexes representing manifolds with evolving topologies, for example, a genus-h torus with a progressively growing number of genera [1].

I also touch upon our recent work that provides the solution of the problem of optimal self-assembling systems, derived using graph theory methods [2].


[1] D. C. da Silva, G. Bianconi, R. A. da Costa, S. N. Dorogovtsev, and J. F. F. Mendes, Complex network view of evolving manifolds, Phys. Rev. E 97, 032316 (2018).

[2] N. A. M. Araújo, R. A. da Costa, S. N. Dorogovtsev, and J. F. F. Mendes, Finding the optimal nets for self-folding Kirigami, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, to be published (2018).